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Webinar: How to digitalize learning in a production environment whilst maintaining compliance standards

There is an increased focus on compliance in all aspects of business operations and thus, training and documentation have become increasingly important. But how can you train and document compliance in an efficient manner when your employees are not in front of a computer but are working in a production environment, in a store, or on a construction site?

Invitation to webinar about how to digitalize learning in a production environment with picture of speakers

Publisert: February 7, 2022

These questions were the basis for a free webinar on how to digitalize learning in a production environment held on Thursday 10th March 2022.

Mowi, a global leader in the aquaculture industry, shared how they went from a paper-based training and compliance system to a digitalized system. They spoke about some of the results they have had in doing this and gave us a little peek into what to expect in the future.

Abelia and The Federation of Norwegian Industries shared some insight as to why lifelong learning and digitalization are increasingly important in the production industry.

Storyboard is assisting organizations with competence development, customizing learning content, and implementing learning management systems across a wide range of industries, and has worked closely with Mowi in upgrading Mowi Academy from 1.0 to 2.0. We shared how we have reached out with digital training in production environments, what must be taken into consideration, as well as success factors.

Did you miss out on the webinar? No need to panic, you can watch it here! Remember to follow us on Linkedin for future webinars and relevant information! You can also find more helpful tips for successful online compliance training here.

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